Code Documentation¶
¶ Base class for missing value exceptions
(path=None, group_key=None, dataset=None, delta_t=None, data=None, corr_data=None, corr_path=None, corr_group_key=None, corr_dataset=None, f_unit='Hz')¶ Spectrum class stores signal data, calculated spectra and error of spectral values. Allows for the calculation of the polyspectra of the signal and their visualization. Also hold methods for saving spectrum objects.
- pathstr
Path to h5 file with stored signal
- group_keystr
Group key for h5 file
- datasetstr
Name of the dataset in h5 file
- dataarray
Signal to be analyzed as Numpy array
- corr_dataarray
Second signal used as correlation data as Numpy array
- corr_pathstr
Path to h5 file with stored second signal for correlation
- corr_group_keystr
Group key for h5 file with correlation signal
- corr_datasetstr
Name of the dataset in h5 file with correlation signal
- corr_data_path: str
Path to h5 file with a second stored signal to be correlated with the first on (see path)
- T_windowfloat
Length of window in seconds (or unit of choice) used for the calculation of any spectra
- pathstr
Path to h5 file with stored signal
- freqarray
Stores frequencies at with the spectra are calculated
- f_maxfloat
Used to limit the upper frequency to calculate spectral values at (especially important for high sampling rates)
- fsfloat
Stores the sampling rate of the signal
- f_lists: dict
Used for the calculation of Poisson spectra. Stores all frequency values for the calculation of the non-uniform discreet Fourier transformation. (Also used for plotting with broken frequency axis.)
- Sdict
Stores spectra values (final storage at the end of the calculation)
- S_gpudict
Temporarily stores spectra values during calculation on the GPU
- S_errdict
Stores errors of spectra values (final storage at the end of the calculation)
- S_err_gpudict
Temporarily stores errors of spectra values during calculation on the GPU
- S_errsdict
Temporarily stores m_var spectra used for the calculation of the errors
- S_stationarity_tempdict
Stores m_stationarity spectra which are then averaged and used for the stationarity plot
- S_stationaritydict
Stores the m_stationarity averaged spectra used for the stationarity plot
- group_keystr
Group key of the dataset within the h5 file
- datasetstr
Name of the dataset in the h5 file
- window_pointsint
Number of points in a window
- mint
Number of windows for the estimation of the cumulant
- m_varint
m_var single spectra are used at a time for the calculation of the spectral errors
- m_stationarityint
Number of spectra which are then averaged and used for the stationarity plot
- first_frame_plottedbool
If true the first frame is plotted during the calculation of the spectra
- delta_tfloat
Inverse of the sampling rate of the signal
- dataarray / pointer
Stores the full dataset or is a pointer to the data in the h5 file (recommended of the dataset is larger than your RAM)
- corr_dataarray / pointer
Stores the full second dataset or is a pointer to the data in the h5 file (recommended of the dataset is larger than your RAM)
- corr_group_keystr
Group key of the second dataset within the h5 file
- corr_datasetstr
Name of the second dataset in the h5 file
- main_dataarray / pointer
(outdated / for old methods) Stores the full dataset or is a pointer to the data in the h5 file (recommended of the dataset is larger than your RAM)
- err_counterdict
Counts the number single spectra already stored for the calculation of errors
- stationarity_counterdict
Counts the number single spectra already stored for the averaging for the stationarity plot
(t_unit=None, imag=False, scale_t=1)¶ The overlap between all m_stationarity spectra and the overall mean spectrum is calculated and plotted against time. Can be used to see slow drifts and singular events that differ from the mean spectrum
- t_unitstr
Unit of time
- imagbool
If set, the imaginary part of all spectra are used for the calculation and plotting
- scale_tfloat
Option to scale the time axis
(order_in, T_window, f_max, backend='cpu', scaling_factor=1, corr_shift=0, filter_func=False, verbose=True, coherent=False, corr_default=None, break_after=1000000.0, m=10, m_var=10, m_stationarity=None, window_shift=1, random_phase=False, rect_win=False, full_import=True, show_first_frame=True)¶ Calculation of spectra of orders 2 to 4 with the arrayfire library.
- order_in: array of int, str (‘all’)
orders of the spectra to be calculated, e.g., [2,4]
- T_window: int
Spectra for m windows with temporal length T_window are calculated.
- f_max: float
maximum frequency of the spectra to be calculated
- backend: {‘cpu’, ‘opencl’, ‘cuda’}
backend for arrayfire
- scaling_factorfloat
Can be used to scale all data points.
- corr_shiftint
Can be used to shift the correlation data by a certain number of points relative to the main data.
- filter_funcfunction
A function can be passed which will be applied to the data points in each window.
- verbosebool
Can be unset to supress printing of various information.
- coherentbool
(Experimental) Set if moment-based instead of cumulant-based S2 should be calculated. Maybe usefull in the case of non-independent windows.
- corr_default{‘white noise’, None}
(TODO) Use white noise as correlation data. Then all higher-order correlations should vanish if the main dataset is stationary and windows are independent.
- break_afterint
Number of frames can set to premature termination of spectrum calculation to use only part of the dataset to calculate a quick preview.
- m: int
Spectra for m windows with temporal length T_window are calculated.
- m_var: int
number of spectra to calculate the variance from (should be set as high as possible)
- m_stationarity: int
number of spectra after which their mean is stored to varify stationarity of the data
- window_shiftint
Sets the time interval between selective windows in units of window length. 1 (default) means window are seamlessly attached. Smaller than 1 mean windows overlap. Can be used to waste less information due to small wight given to values close to the borders of the window due to the window function.
- random_phasebool
(Experimental) Set if phase of the Fourier coefficients of each window should be randomized. Maybe usefull for non-independent windows.
- rect_win: bool
if true no window function will be applied to the window
- full_import: bool
whether to load all data into RAM (should be set true if possible)
(order_in, T_window, T_bin, f_max, backend='opencl', coherent=False, m=10, m_var=10, m_stationarity=None, rect_win=False, verbose=False)¶ - order_in: array of int, str (‘all’)
orders of the spectra to be calculated, e.g., [2,4]
- T_window: int
spectra for m windows of window_points is calculated
- T_bin: int
number of points in bin
- f_max: float
maximum frequency of the spectra to be calculated
- backend: str
backend for arrayfire
- coherent: bool
set if second moment should be used instead of cumulant
- m: int
spectra for m windows of window_points is calculated
- m_var: int
number of spectra to calculate the variance from (should be set as high as possible)
- m_stationarity: int
number of spectra after which their mean is stored to varify stationarity of the data
- rect_win: bool
set if no window function should be applied
- verbose: bool
set for more prints
(order_in, T_window, f_max, f_lists=None, backend='opencl', m=10, m_var=10, m_stationarity=None, full_import=False, scale_t=1, sigma_t=0.14, rect_win=False)¶ - order_in: array of int, str (‘all’)
orders of the spectra to be calculated, e.g., [2,4]
- T_window: int
spectra for m windows of window_points is calculated
- f_max: float
maximum frequency of the spectra to be calculated
- f_lists: list of arrays
frequencies at which the spectra will be calculated (can be multiple arrays with different frequency steps)
- backend: str
backend for arrayfire
- m: int
spectra for m windows of window_points is calculated
- m_var: int
number of spectra to calculate the variance from (should be set as high as possible)
- m_stationarity: int
number of spectra after which their mean is stored to varify stationarity of the data
- full_import: bool
whether to load all data into RAM (should be set true if possible)
- scale_t: float
scaling factor to scale timestamps and dt (not yet implemented, due to type error)
- sigma_t: float
width of approximate confined gaussian windows
- rect_win: bool
if true no window function will be applied to the window
(order_in=2, 3, 4, f_max=None, f_min=None, f_unit=None, sigma=1, green_alpha=0.3, arcsinh_plot=False, arcsinh_const=0.02, contours=False, s3_filter=0, s4_filter=0, s2_data=None, s2_err=None, s3_data=None, s3_err=None, s4_data=None, s4_err=None, s2_f=None, s3_f=None, s4_f=None, imag_plot=False, plot_error=True, broken_lims=None)¶ Plots the spectral data of any combination of spectral orders together with errors. Has many options to customize the appearance and choose the plotted frequencies.
- order_inlist {2,3,4}
Spectral orders to be plotted. Multiple orders can be chosen.
- f_maxfloat
Sets the upper limit of the frequency axis. If set higher than the Nyquist frequency, the Nyquist frequency will be chosen as limit.
- f_minfloat
Sets the lower limit of the frequency axis.
- f_unitstr or None
Frequency unit can be passed labeling the plot. If None, the unit which was set when creating the Spectrum object is used.
- sigmafloat
Sets the number of standard deviations as error to be shown in the two-dimensional plots of order 3 and 4. The spectral values are colored green if the number of standard deviations is higher than the specific spectral value.
- green_alphafloat
Sets the alpha value for the green error tiling. (Value between 0 and 1)
- arcsinh_plotbool
if set the spectral values are scale with an arcsinh function (similar to log but also works for negative values). The amount of scaling is given by the arcsinh_const.
- arcsinh_constfloat
constant to set amount of arcsinh scaling. The lower, the stronger.
- contoursbool
If set contours are shown in the 2D plots.
- s3_filterfloat
Applies a Gaussian filter the width s3_filter to the third-order data
- s4_filterfloat
Applies a Gaussian filter the width s4_filter to the fourth-order data
- s2_dataarray
Spectral data for the power spectrum can be provided and is than used instead of the calculated values stored in the object.
- s2_errarray
Spectral errors for the power spectrum can be provided and is than used instead of the calculated values stored in the object.
- s3_dataarray
Spectral data for the third-order spectrum can be provided and is than used instead of the calculated values stored in the object.
- s3_errarray
Spectral errors for the third-order spectrum can be provided and is than used instead of the calculated values stored in the object.
- s4_dataarray
Spectral data for the fourth-order spectrum can be provided and is than used instead of the calculated values stored in the object.
- s4_errarray
Spectral errors for the fourth-order spectrum can be provided and is than used instead of the calculated values stored in the object.
- s2_farray
Frequency values for the power spectrum can be provided and is than used instead of the values stored in the object.
- s3_farray
Frequency values for the third-order spectrum can be provided and is than used instead of the values stored in the object.
- s4_farray
Frequency values for the fourth-order spectrum can be provided and is than used instead of the values stored in the object.
- imag_plotbool
If set imaginary part of the spectral values are plotted.
- plot_errorbool
If set 1 to 5 sigma error bands are shown in the power spectrum.
- broken_limslist of lists
The low and upper limit of each section of a broken frequency axis can be provided, given that the frequency arrays (s2_f, s3_f, s4_f) contain disconnected sections.
Return the matplotlib figure.
(path)¶ Method for storing the Spectrum object. Pointers and the full dataset are remove from the object before saving.
- pathstr
Location of stored file
(f_unit=None, t_unit=None, contours=False, s2_filter=0, arcsinh_plot=False, arcsinh_const=0.0001, f_max=None, normalize=False)¶ Plots the S_stationarity spectra versus time to make changes over time visible
- f_unitstr
frequency unit
- t_unitstr
time unit
- contoursbool
if set contours are drawn
- s2_filterfloat
value for sigma of a Gaussian filter in direction of time (usefull in the case of noisy data)
- arcsinh_plotbool
if set the spectral values are scale with an arcsinh function (similar to log but also works for negative values). The amount of scaling is given by the arcsinh_const.
- arcsinh_constfloat
constant to set amount of arcsinh scaling. The lower, the stronger.
- f_maxfloat
maximum frequency to plot on the fequency axis
- normalize[‘area’, ‘zero’]
for better visualization all spectra can be normalized to set the area under the S2 to 1 or the value at S2(0) to 1.
(a_w, window_size, delta_t, m)¶ (Experimental function) Adds a random phase proportional to the frequency to deal with ultra coherent signals
- mint
number of windows per frame
- delta_tfloat
inverse of the sampling rate of the signal
- window_sizeint
size of the window in points
- a_warray
Fourier coefficients pf the window
(window_width, t_clicks, fs, sigma_t=0.14)¶ This function take the timestamps of the detector and applies the window function as an envelope treating the clicks as steps with height one.
- window_widthfloat
timely width of the window in unit of choice
- t_clicksarray
timestamps of the dataset that lie within the current window
- fsfloat
sampling rate of the signal
- sigma_tfloat
parameter of the approx. confined gaussian window (here chosen to be 0.14)
(s_data, arcsinh_const, order, s_err=None, s_err_p=None, s_err_m=None)¶ Helper function to improve visibility in plotting (similar to a log scale but also works for negative values)
- s_dataarray
spectral values of any order
- arcsinh_constfloat
these parameters sets the rescaling amount (the smaller, the stronger the rescaling)
- orderint
important since the error arrays are called differently in the second-order case
- s_errarray
spectral errors of order 3 or 4
- s_err_parray
spectral values + error of order 2
- s_err_marray
spectral values - error of order 2
(a_w, a_w_corr, m, coherent)¶ calculation of c2 for power spectrum
(a_w1, a_w2, a_w3, m)¶ Calculation of c3 for bispectrum (see arXiv:1904.12154) # C_3 = m^2 / (m - 1)(m - 2) * (< a_w1 * a_w2 * a_w3 > # sum_123 # - < a_w1 >< a_w2 * a_w3 > - < a_w1 * a_w2 >< a_w3 > - < a_w1 * a_w3 >< a_w2 > # sum_1 sum_23 sum_12 sum_3 sum_13 sum_2 # + 2 < a_w1 >< a_w2 >< a_w3 >) # sum_1 sum_2 sum_3 # with w3 = - w1 - w2
- a_w1array
Fourier coefficients of signal as vertical array
- a_w2array
Fourier coefficients of signal as horizontal array
- a_w3array
a_w1+w2 as matrix
- mint
Number of windows used for the calculation of one spectrum
Returns the c3 estimator as matrix
(a_w, a_w_corr, m)¶ calculation of c4 for trispectrum # C_4 = (Eq. 60, in arXiv:1904.12154)
- a_warray
Fourier coefficients of the signal
- a_w_corrarray
Fourier coefficients of the signal or a second signal
- mint
Number of windows used for the calculation of one spectrum
Returns the c4 estimator as matrix
(a_w_all, f_max_ind, m)¶ Preparation of a_(w1+w2) for the calculation of the bispectrum
- a_w_allarray
Fourier coefficients of the signal
- f_max_indint
Index of the maximum frequency to be used for the calculation of the spectra
- mint
Number of windows per spectrum
- a_w3array
Matrix of Fourier coefficients
(x, N_window, L, sigma_t)¶ Helper function to calculate the approx. confined gaussian window as defined in
- xarray
points at which to calculate the function
- N_windowint
length of window in points
- Lint
N_window + 1
- sigma_tfloat
parameter of the approx. confined gaussian window (here chosen to be 0.14)
(N_window, fs=None, ones=False)¶ Helper function to calculate the approx. confined gaussian window as defined in
- onesbool
if true, the window is simply set to one resulting in a rectangular window
- fsfloat
sampling rate of the signal
- N_windowint
length of window in points
(s_f, broken_lims)¶ Helper function to enable broken axis during plotting
- s_farray
frequencies at with the spectra had been calculated
- broken_limslist
list of arrays containing the endpoints of the disconnected frequency regions
(data, start_index, T_window, m, frame_number, j)¶ - dataarray
timestamps of detector clicks
- start_indexint
index of the last timestamp in the whole dataset that fitted into the prior window (zero in case of first window)
- T_windowfloat
window length in seconds (or unit of choice)
- mint
number of windows to calculate the cumulant estimator from
- frame_numberint
keeps track of the current frame (1 frame = m windows)
- jint
number of the current window in the frame
(x_, N_window, L, sigma_t)¶ Helper function to calculate the approx. confined gaussian window as defined in
- x_array
points at which to calculate the function
- N_windowint
length of window in points
- Lint
N_window + 1
- sigma_tfloat
parameter of the approx. confined gaussian window (here chosen to be 0.14)
(path, group_key, dataset, full_import=False)¶ Helper function to load data from h5 file into numpy array. Import of .h5 data with format group_key -> data + attrs[dt]
- full_import: bool
If true all data is loaded in RAM (recommended if possible)
- pathstr
Path for the data to be saved at
- group_keystr
Name of the group in the h5 file
- datasetstr
Name of the dataset in the h5 file
Returns simulation result and inverse sampling rate
(path)¶ Helper function to load pickled objects.
- pathstr
Path to pkl file.
Returns the object.
(path, obj)¶ Helper function to pickle system objects
- pathstr
Location of saved data
obj : System obj
(chunk, delta_t, window_size, t_unit=None)¶ Helper function for plotting one window during the calculation of the spectra for checking data and correct window length
- chunkarray
one frame of the dataset
- delta_tfloat
inverse sampling rate of the signal
- window_sizeint
size of window in points
(dt, data, path, group_name, dataset_name)¶ Helper function to generated h5 file from numpy array.
- dtfloat
Inverse sampling rate of the signal (is saved as attribute “dt” to the dataset)
- dataarray
E.g. simulation results
- pathstr
Path for the data to be saved at
- group_namestr
Name of the group in the h5 file
- dataset_namestr
Name of the dataset in the h5 file
(f_unit)¶ Helper function to automatically convert units.
- f_unitstr
Frequency unit
Returns the corresponding time unit.